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The importance of prayer cannot be overemphasised in the life of man. Prayer is so important that, our Lord Jesus had to teach us how to ...



The spirit is never submissive. The nature of the human spirit is really incompactible with submission. It is utterly impossible for the human spirit to submit totally. The statement of our Lord Jesus Christ: "THY WILL BE DONE!",  people who believe in God utter these words submissively! These words are used almost exclusively where sorrow that was inescapable has entered. When Man realises that he could do nothing more about it, then if he is a believer, he will say in passive submission: " Thy Will be done!". It is not humility, however, that prompts him to speak thus, but the words are meant to calm him in face of something he has been powerless to deal with. That is the origin of the submission which man express in such case. If, however, he were offered the slightest opportunity to alter things in my way, he would not care about the WILL of God, but his submissive attitude would again quickly be changed to the form: "My will be done". such is man!

             Human submission is never genuine. just take yourself as a case study. You must have prayed or ask God for a thing one time or the other saying "God, if only you can do this or that for me, i will make sure i do this or that in order to show gratitude to you". But the very moment you grasp that thing you submissively asked for, you completely forget about your pledges,  you start giving excuses of how you could not redeem your pledge.

            In most of Africa and Asia and some other part of the world, wives are expected to be submissive to their husband, in most cases they do not have a say in the marriage. They have to go with whatever decisions their husband has made without any questioning. At one point or the other, there is bound to be rebellion on the part of the woman. The truth is manhood is not greater than the womanhood in creation, though, different in their activities in creation. The male human spirit is more active and aggresive while the female human spirit is less aggressive, a bit delicate. So in this Gross material world, the male are stronger, heavier and are more familiar with this physical world due to the nature of their activities. While the female man are delicate, less heavy and a little strange to this physical world, and more spiritually connected. I will talk about this elaborately later.

             So husbands, remember that your wife completes you, in what you lack spiritually, she is to help you and the family find your path back to the luminous light. Do not in anyway enslave her. Being a little strange in this physical world, they are easily deceived, so you need to protect her in that part too. In return she will guide you intuitively, because i will say women are more spiritually connected. A man and his wife are bounded spiritually as one. Love her like you love yourself. Instead of expecting her to submit to every of your authority/decision,  make decisions together. Your wife is your nearest neighbour, closest friend, like your new mom. we talk more on marriage later.

                Children can be submissive,  yes, because until the maturity of the physical body, the spirit in children cannot take control of the body and its surroundings, but immediately maturity sets in, do not expect your child to be submissive again, because the spirit is not submissive when it is fully awaken in a matured phisical body. So , parents, it is easier to teach your child while he/she has not reach maturity.

                  Submission! This word should not exist at all for believers in God! Simply should be replaced with "Joyful volition"! God does not want dull submission from man, but joyful activities. Submissive people bear the lie within, for submission is absolutely incompactible with "spirit"! Therefore, also with the human spirit! All that is spirit is utterly unable to bring the quality of true submissiveness to life within itself! Wherever it is attempted, it must remain artificial, thus self-delusion or even conscious hypocrisy! But it can be genuinely felt because the human spirit, being spiritual, is incapable of it.

                  Submissiveness is a quality that lies solely in the animistic! Only in the animal does it find gunuine expression. The animal is submissive to its master! but the spirit does not know this  designation! Therefore it always remains unnatural for the human being. submission was drilled into slaves with difficulty and harshness, because they were put on par with animal, in sale and purchase, as personal property. Yet the submission could never become really genuine in these slaves. It was either dullness, fidelity or love that lay hidden under the submission and gave it expression but never true submission. Slavery is unnatural among human spirit.

                     The submission of the animistic finds it enhancement in the spiritual in conscious and willed loyalty! What denote submission in the animistic, therefore, loyalty in the spiritual. sibmission does not befit man, because he is of the spiritual!

                     So am using this opportunity to advice you reading this article right now, no matter the position you occupy in the society, do not see yourself being more important than others. Rather, be friendly, kind, serve and most importantly love others.  We are all children of creation. i wish every one could be "CHILDLIKE" and this earth will be a better place for all of us.

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