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The importance of prayer cannot be overemphasised in the life of man. Prayer is so important that, our Lord Jesus had to teach us how to ...



           You must have heard Yourself talk to you very often but you ignore, probably because of its calmness, gentleness. That is your intuitive perception. The so-called "inner voice", the spiritual part of man, to which he can listen, is the intuitive perception, it is without reason that people say: "The first impression is always right".

           When i was a little kid, i had that mindset that inside of every man exist the good force and bad force i.e God and the devil. That both forces influences our thought,  that God speak with soft, calm, and sweet voices, while
 the devil speak with a baritone, rogued voice and i believe alot of people still have this mindset. Well, whatever your mindset is, does not really matter right now. Am about to explain what those voices really are.

            For example, what you intuitively sense at a first meeting with a stranger is your intuitive perception, it can either be a kind of warning to be careful,  which may even go as absolute repugnance or something pleasant mounting to a feeling of complete affinity in some cases it may also be indifference! So that very first impression, you had was your intuitive perception. It is always right, that is your spirit man. Now, in the course of conversation or further intercourse with the person, this first impression is brushed aside or entirely effaced through the judgement of the intellect, so that the thought arises that the original intuition was wrong. It almost invariably turn out at the end of that meeting with the person, that the very first intuition  is the right one. And this often occur to the suffering of those who allowed the intellect to mislead them through the deceptive nature of the other person!

               Now, you recall from the article "WHO AM I?", we discussed who man really is, and his origin, that you are a spirit. The spirit needs to operate in this physical world. So in other for the spirit to operate in this physical world, it needs a body to work with. This your physical body has been assigned to you as a tool, in other for you to be able to operates in this physical world.Just like every other thing in this physical world, your physical body is subjected to birth, growth/development, wears and tears, death and decay while YOU [the spirit man] never grow old, because YOU are not bounded by time and space. YOU eternally exist.

                  Now, the spirit man being the driving force, because without the spirit, the body is lifeless. The spirit speaks to the physical body through the intuitive perception. The intuitive perception which is not bounded to time and space but connected with its homogeneous kind, with the spiritual, immediately recognised the true nature of the other  person and did not allow itself to be deceived by the cleverness of the intellect. It is absolutely impossible for the intuitive to err! The spirit can never be wrong in this matter. This is one of the ways in which the spirit guides you.

                   Whenever something strang or new or unexpected wants to happen, you will always receive a first impression which in most cases you ignore. Whenever man is lead astray, there two reasons for his errors. Either the intellect or the feeling! How often it is said that " In this matter i allowed myself to be guided by my feeling/ intellect and got into trouble". such persons has mistaken their feeling for their inner voice. Therefore, be on the guard! Feeling is not intuitive perception! Feelings emanated from the physical body. This generates instinct, which guided by the intellect, produce feeling. However, the combined working of feeling and intellect give birth to imagination. Imagination has a retroactive effect, it can only influence the feelings of its creator  but never of itself send out a wave of power to others.

                       Thus, we can observe on the one side the intuitive perception and on anothers side the body, instinct, intellect, feelings,  a.nd imagination. I am not talking down the body, intellect, feelings and imagination because you will always make use of them in this physical world, they are important during your stay here on earth.

                       That first impression can come in form of a voice, a quick feelings, a sharp and quick picture that you see etc. So always be on the alert to receive from the real YOU. It could be an advice, warning, lesson learnt, etc. 

                         So when next a soft voice speak to you or you see a sharp pictures, it might be related to the experiences your going through or the ones still to come,  just bt be calm and listen, see, or feel. Your first impression is always right.

  Please questions, i will be glad to respond to you as fast as possible. THANK YOU!


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